
Lt. Randy Sutton Is On A Mission with The Wounded Blue

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Eminent retired Lieutenant Randy Sutton knew from a very young age what he wanted to do with his life.

And he followed what his heart told him to do.

“I had the need to be a protector”, says the Las Vegas based nationally known published author, TV commentator, consultant, speaker, law enforcement expert and CEO and founder of The Wounded Blue foundation.

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Sutton’s law enforcement career expands over three decades.

From the prestigious neighborhoods of Princeton, NJ where Sutton started his career and worked for 10 years to the chaotic, rough city streets of Las Vegas, where he worked for 24 years and was featured on several episodes of the famous reality TV show “COPS: Las Vegas” in the early 1990’s. The globally famous and compelling reality show depicts real life law enforcement city officers who are followed by TV cameras on patrol calls and dangerous police activity. It is one of the most viewed and respected shows on TV.

During Sutton’s rewarding career, the one thing he says he kept on thinking about, was how wounded police officers who are often subjected to life long emotional, physical and psychological trauma from their job, were going to deal with the after effects once they retired.

“After my own near fatal heart attack while on the job, I found out, through my own research, that there was no specific national group specifically fighting for the thousands of injured, sick and traumatized officers who risked their lives daily to protect people once they leave the force” stated Sutton.

Wanting to help fill that void in the law enforcement community and to help the thousands of neglected wounded officers across the country, Sutton started The Wounded Blue Foundation.

The Foundation inaugurated in 2019 so far has touched the lives of more than 9000 officers nationally by helping with them with emotional education, assistance and legislation support.

“The Wounded Blue was created to let injured officers know that they are not alone anymore” commented Sutton.

The foundation is having their first annual three day National Law Enforcement Survival Summit on October 28-30, 2021 at the Ahern Hotel & Convention Center in Las Vegas. The summit will feature keynote industry speakers, networking sessions, welcome reception and entertainment. Some of the panels will include discussions on physical and emotional survival, psychological needs, legal and family relationship. A virtual option is also available for those who cannot make the in-person event. Tickets can be obtained at: https://www.thewoundedblue.org/survival-summit

The summit will end with a Brothers in Blue bash on October 30, 2021 co-hosted by Sutton and Tomi Lahren from Fox News which will include a live auction, incredible food and an opportunity to mingle with America’s finest.

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Retired Lt. Sutton has been a regular on Fox News for years.

In today’s political climate, what frustrates and angers Sutton the most regarding law enforcement, is the defunding of the police narrative that has been projected in the media and is being used as political poison.

“It’s absolutely absurd and ludicrous. It is so out of touch from reality. Those trying to build this narrative, clearly don’t care about the victims.”

Sutton goes on to say that the people behind the concept of defunding the police truly want to destroy America and ruin communities while making them less safe and giving free reign to criminals.

“None of this makes any sense whatsoever” states Sutton.

The journey continues…and for the law enforcement community, it’s a brave and courageous one.


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