
September 11: 20 Years Later

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September 11 marks the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the NY World Trade Center towers that killed almost three thousand people and changed many lives and families forever.

The anniversary also painfully reminds us of the two decades of healing, anguish and sadness the thousands of families have been living with.

AmericanFlag202101 169x300 - September 11: 20 Years Later
Is America safer than 20 years ago?

I was a reporter on the scene the day after the attack interviewing family members and law enforcement officials trying to find victims and getting emergency personnel to those in need of assistance. I also witnessed the desperation on people’s faces, the crying, praying and asking anyone in their path if they had seen their missing loved ones. Almost every reporter and media personality that I had seen on sight that day was trying to hold back tears as they reported on the devastation. That day will resonate with me for the rest of my life.

The question now that many Americans, media experts and politicians are now asking and share deep concerns about, due to the recent catastrophic withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan which left thousands of Americans and Afghans stranded and fearful of their lives because of the newly formed Taliban controlled government, is America or Americans any safer now than they were 20 years ago?

That seems to be the million dollar question being asked these days.

Some outspoken media critics that the Biden Administration has shown strong failure of foreign policy and willingly given the notorious Taliban immense power by leaving behind billions of dollars in top military equipment including airplanes, tanks, helicopters and countless M4 and M16 rifles. Other critics says that after 20 years, it was time for the troops to come home but the over all consensus of how it was done, has jeopardized the United States States in terms of safety and foreign relations.

But either way you look at it, the Taliban has in fact been given enormous power by quickly forming their own government with ruling power over the lives of the Afghan people and now hundreds of stranded Americans.

Over one trillion dollars spent and 20 years of security has been wiped out bringing back the fear for the people in Afghanistan under the new Taliban government.

Having the former president of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, fleeing the country in the middle of the night with a reported 169 million dollars, only reinforces the fact that the people of Afghanistan are in extreme danger under the new regime.

Two decades years ago, after the deadly attack on 9/11, Americans had hoped that the fear of being attacked by other terrorists groups who despised America, its freedom and its financial independence again would be kept to a minimum since American troops had been sent overseas to countries involved in the NY attack. Now, with larger and more powerful terrorists lingering in countries that rally against America, the thought of a potential future attack on American soil is no longer just a theory or after thought. Only time will tell.

9/11 20th Anniversary Commemoration

Several documentaries and TV shows will be airing specials dedicated to the tragic day.


The 911 Memorial & Museum is holding special anniversary programs for the families members only.


The FDNY has special 911 anniversary shirts to honor the day.


The journey continues….and so do the memories.


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